Hey Friends,
It’s been a year since we’ve posted any news…. guess we’re all so busy we’ve neglected this sector of our site.
But as one can see from our shows listings, it’s been a good year for getting out and playing shows. Not only that we’re still rehearsing weekly and slowly ramping up to launch a crowd funding campaign to record an EP!
I’ll leave off for the moment saying our summer monthly of 2nd Wednesdays at Boundary Bay Brewery in the Garden there were everything we’d hoped. Thanks to all who attended and helped spread the word for each show grew in audience from the one before such that the August and September shows were packed with friends and fans and we had amazing sound from the garden stage thanks to the BBB team.
And! Our set for the Bellingham Celtic Festival was a gas, the whole festival was amazing, not to be missed!
Cayley Schmid does a nearly unfathomably incredible job booking and organizing the annual Bellingham Celtic and Folk Festivals!
Oh and we’re trying a new zone on November 2, Black Fern Coffee, Wine, & Food in the Granary Building, 6-8pm. Hope to see you there, the venue is very supportive of working to create a ‘listening zone’ so we can all commune in the music together.